Oleksandr Kononov lived in Severodonetsk, Lugansk region, when the war in Donbass started. He became a volunteer – drove his car delivering the products to Aydar battalion soldiers. Kononov was captured by the separatists, and spent three months in detention. After being released he left his native land to realize a dream. Migrant established goats’ farm  in the remote village Desiatyny of Zhitomir area, 160 kilometers from Kyiv.

Kononov has no right arm and left leg – he lost them long before the war as a result of the accident at the sawmill. But he doesn’t consider himself as disabled person coping with most necessities of life alone. Now Kononov farm has more than 160 goats and sheeps, there are four employees caring and helping to milk animals. This farm – the only place in the village where someone can find paid work.

Oleksandr Kononov aims to transform the abandoned village to the center of green tourism and goat cheese production in the region.